I see you.
Caring deeply about humanity and wanting nothing more than to kick off the patriarchal shackles to create and serve like the vibrant leader you are.
The online space is full to the brim with women coaches, therapists, teachers, health practitioners, birthworkers, bodyworkers, creative industries professionals, activists and more, with admirable changemaking visions and high-level skills.
Yet, there’s a vital piece missing. A piece you can’t afford to neglect.
Getting honest with how your relationship to grief and pleasure is hurting you and holding you back.
Because we can only serve to liberate the fullest potential of others, as far as we’re willing to liberate ourselves.
As a woman, it makes sense to be terrified of the depth and intensity of your grief and wildly uncomfortable exploring all facets of your pleasure.
Because despite whether it’s mournful sorrow or sensual delight, we’ve been tamed, trained and shamed out of expressing how we actually feel and what we actually want.
But know this: embracing every precious inch of your shattered heart and delicious desire is the key to overthrowing your inner misogynist-saboteur and making the ripples in the world you’re truly here to make.
I’m here to show you just how powerful your creative vision and embodied feminine leadership can be, guided by your grief and enlivened by your pleasure.
I’m the shadow dancing wing-woman of your dreams.
Let's Work Together
Private Creative Feminine
Leadership Coaching
For both the emerging and seasoned creative leader who desires intimate, personalised private coaching and mentorship that has less to do with faux-power pep talks and soulless sales strategies and everything to do with:
- expanding your capacity to hold the impact of personal and collective grief through the medicine of feminine embodiment and sensual expression.
- opening to unapologetic, enraptured receivership of your unique gifts and desires - no matter how taboo or risky they feel.
- Learning the art of creativity and service as it flows from the mature energy of courageous depth and devoted integration (so your pain stops hijacking your joy and the REAL you can step forward and be witnessed in your full vibrancy).
Private Creative Feminine Leadership Coaching is an unparalleled 1:1 embodied love-fest to stoke your visionary fire. I’ll help you mine the gold of your shadows and expand your energetic capacity to hold your full magnificence, so you can bring your most potent work to life.
Schedule a call with KateSensuAlchemy
School of Embodied Grief & Pleasure
Embodied development and integration training for:
women who teach, heal, coach and lead and want to make maximum impact in the world (without harming themselves in the process)
women who want to develop greater personal power in love, work and parenting, through grief and pleasure alchemy
any woman experiencing grief in ways that feel stagnant and draining of lifeforce, have a complex relationship to pleasure and creativity, and want to forge greater trust and connection with their body.
SensuAlchemy training is essential personal and professional development for women changemakers who desire to live, work and relate from a place of embodied self-reverence and creative authenticity, in a world that wants to shun our pain and deny our pleasure.
Welcome your whole self home, so you can help others do the same.
Learn more about the SensuAlchemy School
Be held in your heartache & behold the healing pleasure alive in you
Rest into this free luscious audio experience created to soothe, restore and reconnect you to your full humanity and wonder through the wisdom of your body.
“When one is pretending, the entire body revolts”
- Anaïs Nin
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