A 6 month Creative Feminine Leadership Mastermind

As a creative feminine leader, prioritising your aliveness is your greatest act of service
In a world that feeds off your shame and profits from your burnout, imagine a safe haven where worshipping your broken heart and messy humanness is a path to actualising your most beautiful life.
Feel the rich, fertile soil of
rebirth between your fingers.
Welcome, Creative Feminine Leader.
Your Embodied Pleasure Pilgrimage is about to begin.
Welcome to a 6 month Creative Feminine Leadership Mastermind.
Let me show you just how powerfully embodied your creative vision and feminine leadership can be, guided by your grief and enlivened by your pleasure.
Inside Luminess, we believe that tending to the holy ache of longing is crucial to living, loving and leading from a full and open heart.

Luminess Calls Forth…
The Coach or Health Professional holding space for clients, groups or masterminds, who's looking to unleash her unfiltered voice and stand out online, without getting caught up in the trends and diluting her power and potency.
The Mother who's craving more expressed creativity in her every day life, who wants to intentionally immerse herself in the embodied essence of play and sensuality, allowing her to connect with herself as a full, whole woman..
The Creative who's feeling like she's in a rut and seeking the white space to come back home to her voice, her truth and her art; so she can create again from the purest place of who she is and what she believes in, instead of censoring for the algorithm.
The Entrepreneur who has hit internal glass ceilings in her business, feels burnt out within the patriarchal confines of "success" and knows that the next level of her business expansion demands she get honest with her soul's dharma and embody it from the inside out.

- you will feel more at home in your body than ever before
- you will unravel and rebuild through pleasure, sensuality and somatic practice
- you will embody your true creative nature by making friends with the unique humanness of ALL of you
- you will tenderly alchemise your grief into artistry, possibility and power
- you will find and embody deep reservoirs of self-courage (and...)
- you will access your authentic voice and express yourself with rooted self-assurance
- you will create a positive sustainable impact as a visionary woman of change
- you will develop a greater sense of purpose in every aspect of your life
- you will get serious about justice-oriented, socially responsible leadership
- you will heal your feminine lineage through deep ancestral reverence and ritual

I see you and celebrate you.
A powerful woman doing important work in the world.
Raising changemakers, serving others and aspiring to greatness.
And, I see the veil between you and your heartache.
I want you to know that embracing your losses and your longings with honest, courageous and heart-full reverence will open and anchor you into the mature, magnetic leadership you crave.
Becoming fluent in the language of your creative essence as it moves through your body and shapes your life is a power move you’ve been taught to deny.
Let your inner Creatrix finally burn down the house of false confidence and performative success and emerge from the ashes of good girl indoctrination for good.
Inside Luminess, we believe that when a woman embodies her creative + sensual power, everyone benefits.
We’re here to help you amplify your creative and expressive gifts.
Because whole, healed and flourishing women create the kind of change that sticks.
Your grief is the creative ally you never knew you had.
You might cringe, but it’s true.
Once upon a time, I spent all the energy I had pushing my sorrow and anger down.
My heart layered with armour, my body getting sicker.
And so well practised at being palatable and obliging for everyone else’s comfort.

After a decade of loss after tremendous loss, my creative spirit had become another casualty.
I shut down feminine feeling and desire, because it didn’t feel safe.
This is where my story shifts from war epic to homecoming tale.
I chose to open to my deepest wisdom.
I chose to unlearn the cultural programming that says vulnerability is weakness, the body is shameful and untrustworthy, and grief is a problem to be solved.
I chose to find safety in my own body and alchemise my heartbreak into a kind of leadership that celebrates wild feminine expression and honest humanness.
Creative Feminine Leadership defies boxes and labels.
By leading ourselves home, we allow others to find their way back, too.

Envision an intimate space of embodied sensual unravelling; where your bond with the living world is infused with new life and your creative nourishment is prized above all.
Inside this cosy nest is everything your heart desires to develop your creative leadership:
Embodiment, somatic tools and grounded ceremonial teachings and practices; as well as intimate small group support to allow your most potent body of work to emerge - plus, inspirational creative sisters to hold the torch alongside you.
Say Yes to the Luminess Embodied Pleasure Pilgrimage.
Beginning September 28th, 2023
JOIN US NOWLuminess stands for a new culture of feminine leadership, devoted to embodied exploration and creative expression.
We hold reverence for the alchemical possibilities available when we stay open to pleasure while honouring our pain.

Is Luminess the right place for your leadership to bloom?
This embodied feminine eco-system is a match for you, if:

- You have a vision for a more integrated, rooted, and re-sourced life
- You’re all about the slow-burn; favouring sustainable growth over flimsy quick fixes and cookie cutter success formulas
You geek out on all things somatics and embodiment, wanting to learn, heal and grow through the wisdom of the body
You’re ready to uplevel and take integrated, meaningful action towards your desires
You crave mature mentorship to enhance your creativity, visibility, expression and prosperity
You’re devoted to building a flourishing livelihood without compromising your values
You’re ready to back yourself and expand into your potential - without burning out
If you’re an ambitious change-making woman with a curious spirit and wild dreams, then you’ve found your place to create the life of pleasure and prosperity you desire.
Here’s the uncomfortable truth:
Until we release ourselves from the cultural programming that tells us we’re NOT ENOUGH as we are, we will continue to let our shame cripple us and our longings lay dormant.
Any of these sound familiar?
- I used to love to dance / paint / write / make music, but I stopped doing that so I could follow a “sensible” career.
- I’ve got big goals, but I can’t seem to get in flow and gain traction!
- I’m so overwhelmed with all the to-do lists, my head feels like it might explode
- Pleasure? Isn’t that something I give to someone else?
- Mothering consumes all my energy and attention - I don’t know who I am anymore
- I don’t feel at home in my body. It feels like more of an enemy than an ally.
- I care so much and want to make change in the world - but where do I start?!
The fact that these kinds of thoughts plague so many talented and capable women, is disastrous.
Within Luminess, we’re devoted to changing all this.
Here’s the deep truth:
You are your own perfect medicine.
All you need is to surround yourself with the right people to hold and support you as you reignite your sensual and creative flame, and learn to harness your unique expression.
The result?
More pleasure, bold creativity and flourishing in every area of your life.
Introducing: Luminess
Through delicious monthly embodiment and somatic teachings, expressive processes, feminine ritual, and pleasure and devotion practices, this intimate, transformative container will support your body to settle, regulate and increase capacity for the leadership, relationships, mothering and career you desire.
How will you expand into the leader you are born to be?
The SensuAlchemy Method, that’s how.
The SensuAlchemy Method is a multi-modal approach to embodied healing and empowerment that invites communion with and transmutation of the complex human experience of grief through explorations of sensual aliveness and embodied expression.
This method is designed as a tool of the feminine resistance, developed with the intention of subverting a culture that pathologises grief and co-opts pleasure to drive shame and disembodiment - particularly in women.
This approach seeks to invite intimacy with the embodied feminine; through a deeper, more nuanced relationship to both personal and collective grief, all while opening powerful channels of liberated creative expression through explorations of pleasure and eros.
The Luminess Activation
When you say YES to welcoming the fullness of you, you’re saying YES to magnetic creative expression.
It's time to deepen into a new age of feminine leadership.
Schedule a free 30 minute exploratory chatThis Mastermind is not going to hit the spot for every woman leader.
But the woman ripe for this experience is pretty darn special.
You are a creative powerhouse in your own right and you’re ready to get a new courageous vision off the ground, OR you want to deepen, ripen and expand a current venture into something ultra potent
You want to lead from a place of embodied centredness & wholeness, as opposed to conditioned perfectionism & over-functioning.
You’re interested in cultivating integrated roots as a leader; valuing and tending to somatic attunement, critical thinking, spiritual resource and creative expression equally.
You’re so done with burning out and compromising your values.
You’re tired of rejecting and distrusting your body and feel ready to dismantle the internalised misogyny that has held you back from honouring your sensual self
You care deeply about the empowerment of women and girls, trusting that when you heal your mother wounds, the ripple effect is real
You’re ready to invest in your potential to reap the rewards (and learn to be a responsible custodian of money in the process)
You’re committed to being a good human to all humans. This means doing the necessary work towards social justice for all.
If that's you - pack your bag and let the Embodied Pleasure Pilgrimage begin!
I’m ready“So all this sensuality and pleasure *sound* great, but I’m already hustling like mad to stay afloat! How on earth can I prioritise feeling good when there’s so much sh*t to do?!”

This is exactly how patriarchal capitalist culture hooks you in. It’s how society keeps you conforming and performing and stuck on the treadmill of never-enough-ness.
Unfortunately most of the systems and structures we have in place were never designed to help women thrive.
They were designed to keep us from knowing and expressing our whole, creative, multi-faceted selves.
We either exist in fragments or we choose to LIVE whole.
Whatever has kept you from embodying your inner Creatrix until now, Luminess is your threshold into courage, expansion, richness and flow
We are devoted to your blooming.
Benefits of joining
Luminess: The Embodied Pleasure Pilgrimage
Here’s what you receive in this 6 month experience:
Monthly live SensuAlchemy Method movement and expression sessions.
We’re all about awakening the unique, multi-faceted brilliance that is you. On this pleasure pilgrimage, you get intimate with the gifts of your expressive soma and create from there.
Monthly Desire & Magnetism Rituals
Witchy invitations to tend to your longings through intentional ritual and embodied magnetism. We honour endings and beginnings as opportunities for healing and expression as you grow and integrate as a leader.
Monthly live small group Creatrix Hot Seat coaching and mentoring
with Kate Leiper (SensuAlchemy School founder, mother, psychotherapist, feminine embodiment coach & teacher). This is where we hotseat your vision and refine the elements of your creative and service-based offerings - from behind the scenes project strategy to front of house embodied resonance and messaging.
RITE + Recalibration week.
RITE stands for Radical Invitation To Express, so this is the week to flex your creative, expressive muscles to help integrate what you’ve been exploring. If it feels good to share, you’ll be witnessed and celebrated by your Luminess peers, as you move through your own process of personal evolution.
Bonus guest masterclasses
taught by diverse and innovative women leaders, across a range of creative industries. These changemaking women practice what they preach and transmit powerful embodied codes to complement your live learning.
You get to connect deeply with an alliance of inspiring, creative women.
We know how important it is to be surrounded by people who make us feel seen and known, so this is fundamental to the dynamic of the Luminess. Go forth and network with love, beauties!
Get a taste of the terrain we'll travel...
What exactly happens on the Luminess Embodied Pleasure Pilgrimage?
Each month, alongside a group of peers, you will embolden and channel your desires into creative expression, integrate what's on your heart into meaningful offerings, and enhance a new aspect of your unique leadership as you bring your change-making vision to life.
We do this through 6 somatic gateways to powerful creative feminine expression.
Desire and Devotion
Follow the breadcrumbs of your desires as they emerge from the depths. Learn to walk the erotic edge between loss and longing; and watch your creative essence emerge. As the pleasure pilgrimage begins with delicious intentions, drop into deep devotion to the path ahead.
Power and Expression
Lovingly liberate the parts of you that have been tamed and suppressed; making space for all you, taboo and stigmatised with reverence and without shame. Play with creative expression that ignites your soul and allows your inner Creatrix to be seen, heard and felt in full glory.
Liberation and Aliveness
Open to new channels of life-force energy and embodied pleasure to fuel your unfolding vision, amplify your magnetic resonance and expand your capacity and feel ravishingly resourced. Begin to feel yourself strengthen as a leader emboldened by aliveness and vitality.
Courage and Purpose
Feel supported by both earth and cosmos as you more deeply connect to you reserves of embodied courage, guided by clear inner knowing. Move towards your change making vision, implementing foundation and structure to hold you as you grow.
Receptivity and Expansion
Open to your wholeness and humanity; while being resourced by luscious avenues of creative and sensual exploration. Expand into an energy of flowing and flourishing as you connect with your own unique embodiment of a rich life and call in those who need your medicine.
Evolution and Legacy
Celebrate and honour the vast intelligence of your body as it has navigated and been shaped by the terrain of the Luminess pilgrimage. Claim your creative feminine leadership and attune to the powerful healing and possibilities that have unfolded and await your future.
As you delve into each month, you will be supported by:
Live monthly small group Creatrix Hotseat Coaching with Kate
Live monthly SensuAlchemy movement and expression sessions
Creative Feminine Ritual offerings to deepen and integrate your leadership
Guest teacher masterclasses to enhance your learning
A private online community of supportive teachers & peers
As a Luminess Maven, you will voyage through dynamic terrain; creating, collaborating and co-regulating as you go.

Plus 3 amazing BONUS MASTERCLASSES to make your embodied pilgrimage even richer!

Global business strategist and feminine embodiment coach

Founder of Temple Of She, Yoni Massage Practitioner and Trainer, Certified Intuitive Guide and Registered Midwife

Femme Wealth Advocate

Ready to join the Luminess Mastermind?
The next Embodied Pleasure Pilgrimage begins September 28th, 2023
Click here to begin your journeySo, who’s carrying the torch on this pilgrimage?
Kate Leiper
Feminine Embodiment Coach | Integrated Somatic Trauma Practitioner | Grief & Pleasure Alchemist
Known for her nurturing Mama energy and the gift of being able to see, feel and sense the deeper truths and possibilities in those she serves, Kate Leiper balances a robust academic background with a sharply intuitive, emotionally intelligent and deeply embodied approach to her work with women.
As Creatress of the SensuAlchemy School of Embodied Grief & Pleasure and the SensuAlchemy School Podcast, Kate completed a double degree in Drama and Education, a postgraduate and Masters degree in Counselling and Psychotherapy before she realised there was something big missing on her own path to healing.
Reflected in the struggles of her women client’s, Kate too felt disconnected and distrusting of her body, stuck in a loop attempting to intellectually process years of sexual trauma and boundary ruptures. A longing to feel whole and reclaim personal power led her to the world of embodiment and somatics.
Alongside further studies in integrative trauma modalities and certifying as a Feminine Embodiment Coach, Kate navigated the devastating diagnosis, surgeries and eventual death of her younger sister to brain cancer in 2019.
This heartbreaking loss, plus a miscarriage and personal health crises, led Kate into developing a powerfully embodied, pleasure-oriented approach to grief and loss. Through the lens of the archetypal feminine, and with an emphasis on sensual movement, ritual and creative expression, Kate is devoted to sharing the healing gifts and leadership power of the SensuAlchemy Method to women all over the world.

“It’s reassuring as hell to remember that I have full faith in my abilities and my future. I’m so grateful to the Luminess experience” -
Charlotte Pointeaux, Menstrual & Moon Cycle Coach

“Inside Luminess, Kate provides a magical garden of exquisite, deep feeling, all-is-welcome exploration of what your body needs to move forward in the world”
Lauren Prideaux, Myotherapist & Feminine Embodiment Coach

“I started being creative and writing again, showing up for myself and speaking my truth; thanks to Kate and Luminess”
Christina Curcurato, Customer Service - Finance

“I’ve already gained so much from Luminess and we’re only 2 weeks in!”
Claire Stephensen, Trauma & Music Therapist

“Number 1 fan over here. Luminess has been life changing for me personally, and for my business.”
Eloise Clare, Midwife & Hypnobirthing Teacher

“I now hold a deeper understanding of my needs, desires and boundaries since the Luminess experience. Kate continues to guide me into new embodied levels of myself and my leadership”
Romina Lee, Feminine Embodiment Coach

“Kate's approach is a unique framework that couples the intimacy of her lived experience with the wisdom of her professional mastery”
Jenna Ward, Coach & Founder of School of Embodied Arts
Live Class Schedule & Program
Thursday 28th September - Opening Circle
SensuAlchemy Embodied Movement & Expression Sessions
First week of each month - times to be confirmed by group poll
Creatrix Hotseat Coaching
Third week of every month - times to be confirmed by group poll
RITE & Recalibration Week
Last week each month - an integration week where you're provided with Radical Invitations To Express
Luminess Homecoming Circle
Final week in April - Date and Time to be confirmed
Your Investment
Early bird: $4500AUD paid in full | OR $750/month for 6 months | OR $500/month for 9 months
Luminess is a mastermind for body-led creative women.
Join us in this nourishing cauldron of creativity and possibility, where your embodied capacity will deepen and expand within a nest of safety and respect.
The Embodied Pleasure Pilgrimage departs September 28th, 2023.
Join Luminess9 spaces only.