for women ready to  feel their way forward after major loss or change 



Have you been traversing the depths of the underworld and finally feel ready to let the light in again - even just a little bit?


Introducing GLIMMER:

For Women Ready to Feel The Way Forward after Major Loss or Change


Free Online Event | May 16-18



If life has taken you down a path of grief and heartache, GLIMMER will meet and support you on your next steps forward.


Grief and change are enormous catalysts for growth, but how often are we shown how to both live in reverence to what was while welcoming the gentle, pulsing glimmer of what could be?

Join us for three heart-expanding days where you will explore new paths forward with curiosity and invite feelings of lightness, pleasure and possibility into your body, so you can learn how to resource your grieving heart and trust your intuitive, creative desires once again.


GLIMMER will be held across 3 days in a private pop-up Facebook Group.


You’ll experience embodied processes and somatic practices to help you tap into the well of wisdom within your body, amplifying your inner creatress and reawakening your sense of self after loss.

Connection and integration prompts will be offered each day, so you can get the most out of the teachings and community. 

Hi, I’m Kate Leiper.

I’m a Psychotherapist & Feminine Embodiment Coach, and I’ll be safely and sensitively facilitating the Glimmer 3 Day Event. I help women transmute emotional pain into aliveness so they can live, create and lead from their fullest humanity. 

I know loss, intimately. Through experiencing the death of my younger sister to aggressive brain cancer 4 years ago, plus journeying through a miscarriage and chronic personal health issues, I was called to develop a powerfully embodied, aliveness-oriented approach to grief and loss.

Grief was an initiation into harnessing my deepest embodied wisdom. I believe it can be yours, too.

As your guide for the Glimmer experience, I’ll be holding you in the knowledge that you’re a powerful woman - no matter what you’ve been through. I can’t wait to walk beside you as you emerge from the underbelly of grief and turn towards the whispers of joy, once again.


GLIMMER is not about finding shallow hope in despair or bypassing the dark with the light. 


It's about honouring your season of loss and transition with sincerity and embracing the reality of your experience, while safely opening yourself to any new possibilities that are ready to be known.


When you join us for GLIMMER, you will:

○ Be supported to cross the threshold into aliveness after loss, honoring what has been and embracing what could be.

○ Explore the “what now” with curiosity, trying on new perspectives and paths of possibility.

○ Acquire a felt sense of lightness, bringing contrast to heaviness in your body and soul.

○ Access untapped wells of resourcefulness within you, discovering inner strength and creativity that’s ready to flourish.

○ Remember yourself as both a creation of life and a Creatress with Life, beginning to meet your power and potential through this embodied rite of passage.

Three sessions held on Tuesday 16th | Wednesday 17th | Thursday 18th May in our private Facebook Group

Sessions will take place at 11:30am AEST each day (approx 40 minutes each day) and replays will not be sent out. You can catch the recorded sessions in the FB group through until Friday 26th May

I’ve got some pretty wonderful giveaways up my sleeve, but you need to be in the group and be there live to get them. Just register, join the Facebook group and I’ll see you there!

“ I now see things so differently. Kate’s work has shown me that my deep grief can dance with pleasure and desire.
- Naomi, AUS
“I started being creative and writing again, showing up for myself and speaking my truth; thanks to Kate and her unique embodiment work”
-Christina, USA
“Kate is genuinely warm and kind and safely held the container for my authentic exploration of grief and joy”
- Rachel, AUS


Ready to move towards the glimmer of re-creation after loss or change? 

Register now for GLIMMER and join us for this inspiring event.

It's time to come back to life and step into the light of possibility.